sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017

A expert in my field that I admire

Hello everyone, today i'm going to talk about my idol inside the psychology wich is Carl Rogers at the moment who particulary represent the humanist line.

Carl Rogers was born in the 8 of january in 1902 in Illinois, United States and it is characterized by was one of the initiator of the humanist perspective inside the psychology with his Person-Centered Approach theory. This theory was created in 1942 when he was working on the clinic psychology cathedra in Ohio University and, like the name says, is focalized on the patients feelings and thoughts, trying to help them to achieve the self-realization through to an nondirective terapy and the approaching confidence with the patient in the understanding of his self.

I like Rogers because he give emphasis in the emphaty and the capacity from the person for cure his self and reach feel a lot better. This is found in the text of "the process of becoming a person" where he talks about get off the masks and be what we are really on the inside.

That's all for today, thank you for read it. See you in the next one!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Nicole, Rogers is an expert in psychology that I admire too, I like the healthy vision of the clients -as you said- that he proposed, and his view about a non-directive therapy, the self-actualization and the humanitarian perspective ;)

  2. I had never heard of Carl Rogers, his thought sounds quite interesting

  3. He sounds so interesting, I really didn't know him. Maybe I will googling more information about him.
