domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

About the english subject

Hello everyone, today i'm going to talk about the english class that I was doing along this semester, how was my experience, what I believe it has to improved and comments of my use of english in general.

Well, for start I will like to say that the blogs around the semester was very enjoyable to do because I was in my world listening music while I writting this and search the correct words to use, among other things. In addition to the teacher that was very kind and nice. I think that this two points are the parts that I appreciate the most. But in the other way, I feel that along the subject I was not learn a lot of what I expected or wanted, least if I consider that my weak point is the verbal communication and the times of the different words that I think, in this subject, was something very superficial. Maybe it would been nice if the same conversation test in the exam it would have been a minimal section of the class too or in the class it would been given a table with the times. Also, the listening test most of it was incomprehensible, I often watch videos in english and I more or less I was accustomed to understand, but in the class for me was strange to hear it and don't comprehend. However, I think that I will improve my verbal communication with the practice and when I travel to other country, nowadays I handle most of the abilities of english, that are the listening, writting and reading, but I don't speak in english very much, so, is complicated for me to know in what I mistake and what not or handle the pronunciation (In this part is relevant the times of the words too). 

Thank you for read it, I hope you all are well. Bye! 

sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017

A expert in my field that I admire

Hello everyone, today i'm going to talk about my idol inside the psychology wich is Carl Rogers at the moment who particulary represent the humanist line.

Carl Rogers was born in the 8 of january in 1902 in Illinois, United States and it is characterized by was one of the initiator of the humanist perspective inside the psychology with his Person-Centered Approach theory. This theory was created in 1942 when he was working on the clinic psychology cathedra in Ohio University and, like the name says, is focalized on the patients feelings and thoughts, trying to help them to achieve the self-realization through to an nondirective terapy and the approaching confidence with the patient in the understanding of his self.

I like Rogers because he give emphasis in the emphaty and the capacity from the person for cure his self and reach feel a lot better. This is found in the text of "the process of becoming a person" where he talks about get off the masks and be what we are really on the inside.

That's all for today, thank you for read it. See you in the next one!

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

My favourite subject this semester

Hello everyone, hoping you have been very well, today I will like to talk about my favourite subject in this semester wich is epistemology of social sciences, in specially why I like it, what we do in class and the contents we have.

In this subject, we have to sit down in circle and participate actively in the construction of the class, where the contents we view among the semester in first place was related with the understanding and approaching of the reality in the science from an historicist philosophy perspective of science in logical terms. And, in the second place, was contents related to the emergence of the social science with differents points of view, like the explicative one, the comprensive and the critical-emancipatory. For all this characteristic is why I like this subject, I think it is very important for my career to know this contents, the teacher was very good and inclusive and the atmosphere generated in class was very cool too.

That's all for now. Thank you for read it. See you the next one, bye!

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

My favourite photograph

Hello everyone, today I have to post two blogs so, now I will talk about my favourite photograph.

I took this photo two years ago approx. It was raining a lot that afternoon while I was in my room seeing to the park until I see the combination of the streets light with the drops and I liked it and I couldn't avoid take a photo. After took it I realized the light of my roof lamp it seems to be the sun and I liked it more. For me it's like a piece of art wich it is combinated a lot of elements who contrast each other with the variety of colors like the read, green, black, yellow, and forms wich it is deformed with the rainwater.

Well, that is all for today. Thank you for read it, bye!

postgraduate studies

Hello everyone, today i'm going to talk about my postgraduate course wich I consider taking in the future

Like I said before, I'm study Psychology in Universidad de Chile and related with that I will like to take as a postgraduate the clinic area with an humanistic line. Actually, I really like the social area with a critical thinking, but if we consider the economic aspect, the clinic area gains much more than the social and for me and my plans (principally travel), it is a important characteristic to consider. This is why I will like to take the postgraduate course, in a presential way, outside Chile. Because I really want to see and learn from others cultures, people and places.

In the clinic area I will like to assist adult patients principally because for me it is more easy to deal with this kind of person than kids or adolescents.

That is all for today, thank you very much for read it :)

jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017


Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about my favourite movie, why I like it, and others movies I watch recently. 

Mostly I like to watch movies related with psicology things or mental problems. This is why my favourite movie is "Fight Club" and the "Black Swan", because this movies address issues like personality disorders, schizophrenia, conflicts with oneself, etc and the evolution of the protagonist it's very deep. I saw this movies in a very long time ago and I can not found another movie than good than this two. However, I saw in the last few months others terror movies of bad quality (like "big ass spider") because for me and my friends thinks that it's very funny and we did it principally for spend time. I don't recommend to watch it if you ask, unless you are very bored and with nothing to do. 

That is all for today, thanks for read it :).

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

Technology use

Hello everyone, today i'm going to talk about my favourite piece of technology where I will start saying that I like very different uses that the technology gives to us, like take pictures, listen music, comunicate more easily and fast, etc. and the techonology thing wich it can do all of this it's my cellphone. Don't misunderstand me, I can live without my phone, in fact, I have it turned off very often, but sometimes I really enjoy to take pictures to a sunset for example or listen music when I travel to the university or comunicate to hang out with some friend, etc. I particulary have this cellphone from the 2014 because I need comunicate with my mates of the institute for homeworks and other things. And for conclude, a life without my cellphone in particular it will be very wonderfull I thing because I use it principally for comunicate, but if that wasn't necesary, I thing I prefer to use things like a camera or an mp3.
That's all for today, thanks for read it.

jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2017

About me

Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about a little things about me like where I come from, what I study before and now, my family structure and hobbies.

First I will like to talk when I was born in 1995 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I lived with my parents and brother (actually I have two brothers, but in that year I lived just with my middle brother, I'm the minor). But when I have my fifth birthday my parents get separated and I travelled to Chile with my mother and brother where I stay to now. My hobbies are principally draw and play videogames and is because the first one I was tattooist in 2015, but I only persist one year because I have some issues about deficit of capital and problematic customers. However, today I'm study a career that I really like that is Psicology in University of Chile that contrast a lot with my first career in Business Administrator in an institute that differ especially, apart of the career, in the infrastructure and quality of the education, that is away better in the university.

that's all, thank you all for read it :)

jueves, 17 de agosto de 2017

First entry

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about the blog sessions of the course like my expectations of it, points of interest that I will like to discuss in it and my personal perspective of my level of english. 

In first place, about my expectations of the blog sessions,  I will like to emphasize that I don't usually have any expectations of anything, because I personally prefer the unexpected, the surpraise that life has. Is in this case where the topics that we will talk in the future don't worry me too much, but in the same way, some kind of creative topic or something that include art don't will bother me neither. Also for conclude, my level in english, from my perspective, is regular, even though my listening skill is good because I usually watch movies with the original audio in english and the subtitles in spanish, the speaking part or the writting isn't natural for me, it really take me time decide an estructure or make sentences. The reading as same way as the listening skill, isn't very difficult for me, but I don't have any particular reason why.

I think that was all for today in the blog session, see you next time!