lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Introduction to

The advertising is a form of masive comunication with the purpose of sell different products or disseminate a specific information at the population, in this way, the advertising can influence in the ideas of consumption, beauty standars, moral thoughts, between others. In Chile, all the people has minimum one television in their houses, so the probability that one consumer it seems to be influenced for the advertising, are huge.

The advertising in Chile is based in european-united states stereotypes that the chilean population it doesn't reach for natural characteristics and our native origin of the same country. This problem is observable in the products related to the fashion or the style where the person who represent the clothes which the industry search to sell, is blond, with blue eyes, skinny, etc. If we contrast the people who lives in Chile and who is watched in TV, the difference is obvious. Probably this can cause a bad self-esteem, a constant need of products that it doesn't are really needed, the constant search of an image of us that we doesn't reach, etc.

Proposed solution:
The type of advertising that is principal in this country has to change to something more particulary that consider our origins and native characteristics of the actual population. If we are convenced that the way that is doing advertising at the moment is wrong, we have to inform about and don't let others feeling bad because don't reach that kind of prototypes.